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Packages on Shelves

Inventory Model

The inventory area model allows the user to select from the Item, Customer, Vendor and Item Ledger fields. All text, integer, decimal, option / enum and boolean fields from Customer, Vendor and Item table are available to select on reports. Easy Reports comes with 11 reports pre-built to get you started. Visualize in Chart view. Reports in this area support drill down, flow fields and can be filtered.

To learn more about creating reports using the designer click here 

Explanation of Fields

Inventory reporting is centered around the item ledger table. In order to make reporting easier the quantity field has been expanded into fields for sales quantity, purchase quantity, transfer quantity etc. Similarly Amount fields are available for each document type.


The Inventory area reports allow you to select any field from the following tables. Item, Location, Customer, Vendor,Item Category, Salesperson/Purchaser 

Dimensions and Measures are available from Item Ledger , Value Entry


When creating reports it is important to set filters in order to get the expected results. The following filters are available

Item No, Blocked, Inventory Posting Group, Item Category Code, Posting Date, Dimension 1 .. 8, Entry Type

Serial No,, Lot No.

Note: Item Category Code filter is available / applied to the item ledger entry table, not the item table.

Text Fields

The following Text and Date fields are available from the Item Ledger

Item No., Variant Code,

Document Date, Posting Date

Document No., External Document No.

Customer No., Vendor No.

Location Code, Unit of Measure Code, Purchasing Code, 

Item Category Code, Item Reference No., Shpt. Method Code

Serial No., Lot no., Package No., Warranty Date.

Production Order No. Transfer Order No, Service Order No, Assembly Order No

Dimension 1 through 8


Production Order No.

Assembly Order No

Consumption Quantity

Output Quantity

Assembly Consumption Quantity

Assembly Output Quantity

Cost Amount (Actual)  - This is the Cost Amount (Actual) field from the item ledger

Sales Fields

The following fields are available.

Sales Amount (Actual)  & Invoiced Quantity- This field displays the net of sales and sales credit memos

Sales Invoice Amount ($) & Sales Invoice Quantity - Shows the total value of sales invoice activity

Sales Credit Memo Amount ($) & Sales Credit Memo Quantity - Shows the total value of sales credits

Sales Shipment Quantity 

Sales Return Receipt Quantity

Cost Amount (Actual)  - This is the Cost Amount (Actual) field from the item ledger

Tip For sales reports, filter on Entry Type sale so that the report doesn't include rows from other areas like purchasing

Purchase Fields

The following fields are available.

Purchase Amount (Actual) & Invoiced Quantity- Displays the net of purchases and purchase credit memos

Purchase Invoice Amount ($) & Purchase Invoice Quantity - Shows purchase invoice activity

Purchase Credit Memo Amount ($) & Purchase Credit Memo Quantity - Shows purchase credits

Purchase Receipt Quantity 

Purchase Return Shipment Quantity

Cost Amount (Actual)  - This is the Cost Amount (Actual) field from the item ledger

Tip For purchasing reports, filter on Entry Type purchase so that the report doesn't include rows from other areas like sales and transfers

Service Fields

Service Invoice Amount($)

Service Credit Memo Amount ($)

Service Shipment Quantity

Service Invoice Quantity

Service Credit Memo Quantity

Cost Amount (Actual)  - This is the Cost Amount (Actual) field from the item ledger

Transfer Fields

Transfer Quantity

Transfer Shipment Quantity

Transfer Receipt Quantity

Direct Transfer Quantity - These are transfers that do not go through an in-transit location

Tip Filter on Entry Type transfer so that the report doesn't include rows from other areas

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