Purchases Model
The purchase area model combines open purchase orders with posted purchase receipts, returns, invoicing and credit memos. Create reports, picking from fields across these documents. Visualize in Chart view. Reports in this area support drill down, flow fields and can be filtered. It includes 4 reports to get you started.
To learn more about creating reports using the designer click here
Explanation of Fields
Purchase reporting brings together open PO's with posted documents. In order to make reporting easier the quantity field has been expanded into fields for open PO's, shipped, invoices and returns. Similarly separate fields are available for Item, Resource and G/L entry types. Below you will find further detail on each field
The Purchase area reports allow you to select any field from the following tables. Vendor, Item, Location, Resource, G/L Account, Item Category
Dimensions and Measures are available from Purchase Order, Purchase Invoice, Purchase Cr. Memo, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Return,
When creating reports it is important to set filters in order to get the expected results. The following filters are available
Buy-from Vendor No, Purchaser, Location, Type, No, Item Category, Date Filter, Dimension 1,2
Date Filter - The date filter is applied to the posting date. See below for date filter options on open purchase orders
Filter Planned Receipt Date - Use this check box to filter open orders on planned shipment date
Exclude Open Orders - This check box is useful if you only want posted documents in your results
Text Fields
The following Text and Date fields are available for PO reporting
Item No., Variant Code,
Resource No., G/L Account No.
Order No., Document No.
Order Date, Receipt Date,
Buy-from Vendor No.
Location Code, Unit of Measure Code
Item Category Code
Dimension 1,2
Decimal Fields
The following fields are available.
Order Amount Outstanding & Order Quantity Outstanding- This is the remaining value on open orders
Invoiced Amount & Invoice Amount Including VAT - Displays value from posted invoices. VAT = TAX
Credited Amount & Credited Amount including VAT - Displays value of posted purchase credit memos
Invoiced w Credit Amount & Invoiced w Credit Amt Incl VAT - Fields combine invoice and credit memos into one value.
Item Quantity Outstanding, Item Quantity Invoiced (Note this field includes credit memos)
Item Quantity Shipped, Item Quantity Returned, Item Qty Shipped w Returns
Resource Quantity fields similar to Item Quantity fields available
G/L Quantity fields similar to Item Quantity fields available
Tip For PO reports, filter on Exclude Open Orders if you only want posted documents