Sometimes you need to create a report that shows the absence of something. The reason this is a special case is because most reporting tools look for transactions to report. Reporting on something without any transactions produces a blank page and requires some special handling. Today we will create a report that displays items without sales.
In this case we will use the Table option to create the report. Click on Table 1 and in the screen that opens choose the Item table and the Date Filter field as shown.

On the item table row add the Item no, Description, Sales(Qty.) and Unit Price fields as shown.

For Filters add the Sales (Qty) field and set the filter value to zero. Now run the report. Your report should display items with zero sales in the date range you choose.
You may have already figured this out, but we took advantage of the Unit Price field to make sure that the system sees that at-least one of the two decimal fields (the measures) has a value and so it prints the row. Additionally we take advantage of the Sales (Qty.) flow field itself which does the calculation against the item ledger table. So anytime you need a report like this, include a field like unit price or unit cost so that the report has something to print.