Accounts Payable Model
The Accounts Payable area model allows the user to select from the Vendor and Vendor Ledger fields. Includes 4 Reports to get started. Visualize in Chart view. Reports in this area support drill down, flow fields and can be filtered. To learn more about creating reports using the designer click here
Explanation of Fields
Accounts Payable reporting is centered around the vendor ledger table. In order to make reporting easier the amount field has been expanded into fields for Invoice, Credit Memo, Finance Charge and Reminder.
When creating reports it is important to set filters in order to get the expected results. The following filters are available
Vendor No, Blocked, Vendor Posting Group, Posting Date, Dimension 1 .. 8, Purchaser and General Business Posting Group, Open, Document Type
Text and Date Fields
The following fields are available. from the vendor Ledger
Vendor No, Buy-from Customer No,
Document No, External Document No.
Purchaser Code, Payment Method Code,
Document Date, Posting Date
Vendor Posting Group, Source Code, Reason Code, IRS 1099 Code
Dimensions 1 through 8
Amount Fields
The following fields are available.
Amount $ - This is the amount field from the vendor ledger. It is the field to use when summing all different types of document amounts.
Remaining Amount $ - Shows value of invoice unpaid
Invoice Amount $ - Shows amount for document type Invoice
Credit Memo Amount $- Shows amount from any credit memos posted
Payment Amount $ - Shows payments made by customer
Sales $ - This is Amount $ less any taxes (i.e. net sale amount). This is the Sales $ field from customer ledger.
Finance Charge Memo $, Reminder$, Refund $ - These amounts are from documents posted from the finance, reminder or refund activity
Tip If creating an aged payable type report, filter on Open documents and select beginning balance for matrix view